Episode 15, 2/12/24
Lead paint, pipes, and progress in Milwaukee
How does lead contamination affect Great Lakes communities, especially marginalized ones? In this episode, Bonnie and guest host Dr. Deidre Peroff explore the impact of lead contamination in Milwaukee.
At Milwaukee’s Sixteenth Street Health Center, we meet Alejandra, who goes door to door doing lead outreach and education on Milwaukee’s south side. Milwaukee’s north and south sides, largely Black and Hispanic respectively, are disproportionately affected by childhood lead poisoning. In Wisconsin, Black children are four times more likely than white children to get lead poisoned.
Lead poisoning can be caused by lead paint lingering in old houses. It can also be caused by lead pipes, known as lead laterals, that bring water into individual homes and businesses. It’s estimated that Milwaukee still has 66,000 lead laterals in the ground. Sixteenth Street’s Jamie Ferschinger and Dr. Molly Cousin share ways we can protect families from exposure to lead.
Replacing lead pipes is expensive – too expensive for cities and towns to replace them quickly without financial assistance. Recent legislation in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes a historic amount of money earmarked for lead pipe remediation. Andrian Lee and Melissa Scanlan, from UW-Milwaukee’s School of Freshwater Sciences, help us understand the significance of the law, and if the money will actually be making it to the communities who need it most.
Thanks to our guests
Jamie Ferschinger, (former) Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
Alejandra Vigil, Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
Dr. Molly Cousin, Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
Professor Melissa Scanlan, UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences
Andrian Lee, (former) Wisconsin Sea Grant, UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences
Resources for Milwaukee residents:
Milwaukee segregation map
Badgers & Lead mining
Spatialized Intersectionality: Gendered and Racialized Residential Segregation and the Milwaukee Lead Crisis by Erica Morell and Dalvery Blackwell
The intersectional effect of poverty, home ownership, and racial/ethnic composition on mean childhood blood lead levels in Milwaukee County neighborhoods
Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Childhood Lead Poisoning Data and Data Analysis
Wisconsin’s Black children 4 times more likely to be lead poisoned than white children in 2022
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: A Historic Investment in Water
Sixteenth Street’s Lead Poisoning Prevention work

Bonnie Willison | Host
Video Producer
What I do at Sea Grant
As the videographer and digital storyteller, Bonnie uses her video and animation skills to showcase the stories of Wisconsin Sea Grant.

Hali Jama | Host, Season One
Student Podcast Producer
My time at Sea Grant
Hali brought her background in social justice, business and marketing to Wisconsin Sea Grant during her 2021-2022 internship. She co-produced and co-hosted season one of The Water We Swim In.