Episode 61, 11/5/24
Climate Change Causes Uphill Battle at Downhill Ski areas
Wisconsin ski hills face multiple challenges due to changing snow conditions from climate disruption, plus changes in skier behavior. However, Wisconsin researchers Austin Holland and Natalie Chin found that the state’s ski operators are adapting to meet these challenges. Their study was published in the journal, “Environmental Research Communications.”

Wilmot Mountain Ski Resort, Wilmot, Wisconsin. Image credit: By Rickdrew at English Wikimedia Commons

Natalie Chin. Image credit: Wisconsin Sea Grant

Austin Holland. Image credit: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Thanks to our guests
Natalie Chin, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Austin Holland, College of Natural Resources and the Center for Land Use Education, UW–Stevens Point and the Division of Extension Natural Resources Institute, UW–Madison

Marie Zhuikov | Host
Senior Science Communicator
What I do at Sea Grant
Marie writes about Great Lakes water issues, Sea Grant activities and research. She also works on podcasts, oversees the Wisconsin Sea Grant “Unsalted” blog, and takes photos. She works in collaboration with program scientists, outreach specialists and institute staff to build water science literacy. Prior to joining Wisconsin Sea Grant in 2012, Marie worked for Minnesota Sea Grant for 15 years.