Adam Bechle
Coastal Engineering Outreach Specialist
What I do at Sea Grant
Adam Bechle, coastal engineering specialist, helps Great Lakes communities build resilience to coastal hazards by communicating the latest hazard research and data, developing education and outreach products on best management practices, and providing local governments guidance to identify opportunities to better plan and prepare for coastal hazards.
Year Joined
M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Thesis: "Digital Imaging Techniques for Measurement of Estuarine and Coastal Processes"
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Thesis: "Meteotsunami Occurrence and Behavior in the Great Lakes"
Bechle, A.J., Wu, C.H., David A.R. Kristovich, D.A., Anderson, E.J., Schwab, D.J., Rabinovich, A.B., (2016), Meteotsunamis in the Laurentian Great Lakes, Scientific Reports, 6, 37832.
Bechle, A.J., Kristovich, D.A.R., and Wu, C.H., (2015), Meteotsunami occurrences and causes in Lake Michigan, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 120, 8422-8438.
Anderson, E.J., Bechle, A.J., Wu, C.H., Schwab, D.J., Mann, G.E., and Lombardy, K.A. (2015), Reconstruction of a meteotsunami in Lake Erie on 27 May 2012: Roles of atmospheric conditions on hydrodynamic response in enclosed basins. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 120, 820-8038, doi:10.1002/2015JC010883.
Bechle, A.J. and Wu, C.H. (2014). The Lake Michigan meteotsunamis of 1954 revisited. Natural Hazards, 74(1), 155-177.
Campbell, A.J., Bechle, A.J. and Wu, C.H. (2014), Observations of surface waves interacting with ice using stereo imaging. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 119, 3266–3284.
Bechle, A.J and Wu, C.H. (2011). Virtual wave gauges based upon stereo imaging for measuring surface wave characteristics. Coastal Engineering, 58(4), 305-316.