1975 Willow Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1103
Phone: 608-263-3296
Alison Mikulyuk
Water@UW-Madison Research Program Coordinator
What I do at Sea Grant
I lead Water@UW-Madison, a cross-disciplinary community of practice that fosters connection and collaboration within Wisconsin’s water research community. We provide immersive research experiences for undergraduates through the Freshwater@UW program, support and fund community-based water research projects, and work to connect faculty, graduate students, and community partners across disciplines.
I have a background in aquatic ecology, applied research, and years of experience in programming and policy. I use a science-based approach to work for healthy waters, resilient ecosystems and thriving communities.
Year Joined
B.A., Grinnell College
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin – Madison, Freshwater & Marine Science
Other Links
Alison Mikulyuk ResearchGate and Google Scholar profiles