Sea Grant staff project faves, Elizabeth White

Our editor, Elizabeth White’s favorite 2020 project is her work on a story hour lesson plan for Anne Moser and the Wisconsin Water Library titled, “Can Water Be Sticky?”

Sea Grant staff project faves, Yael Gen

This is the second in a series of posts about our staff members’ favorite projects from 2020. Our designer, Yael Gen’s favorite project is her work on our 2018-2020 Biennial Report.

River Talk explores wetland clashes on the St. Louis River Estuary

The November River Talk featured Dustin Haines, research coordinator for the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve. His Zoom talk held in cooperation with Café Scientifique Twin Ports, was titled, ““Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Clash of Wetlands With Lake Levels, Invasives and Humans.”

Sea Grant staff project faves

As 2020 winds down, we asked staff members at Wisconsin Sea Grant what their favorite project was this year. Associate Director Jennifer Hauxwell shares her work with state and federal agencies to find outstanding research fellows to tackle Wisconsin’s water challenges.