Nine things I learned during the ninth annual St. Louis River Summit
Nine fascinating things learned at the most recent St. Louis River Summit, held in Superior, Wisconsin — including how to make good beer!
Nine fascinating things learned at the most recent St. Louis River Summit, held in Superior, Wisconsin — including how to make good beer!
Dean Johnston of the U.S. Coast Guard, John Sager from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Dave Sletten from Douglas County and Kevin Mustonen from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) were the evening’s panelists for the February River Talk about emergency management.
The first River Talk of 2019 kicked off on Wednesday, Jan. 9, at the Lake Superior Estuarium. Eager listeners heard a panel of experts discuss the many environmental and lifestyle impacts we have on our urban streams.
As he stood in front of us in the classroom, Sam Cook’s eyes grew misty as he read this passage from Aldo Leopold’s “A Sand County Almanac:” A dawn wind stirs on the great marsh. With almost imperceptible slowness it rolls a bank of fog across the wide morass. Like the white ghost of a Read more about Tips for good outdoors and nature writing[…]
We’re continuing to gather background information in preparation for Wisconsin Sea Grant’s 50th anniversary celebration, which will happen in a few years. After speaking with Wisconsin Sea Grant’s first director Robert Ragotzkie, I caught up with our second director, Anders Andren, as he “slaved away” on tasks as secretary of his condo association in Florida. Read more about Life after Sea Grant: An interview with Anders Andren, former Wisconsin Sea Grant director[…]
Earlier this fall, Molly Bodde joined Sea Grant as the aquatic invasive species (AIS) coordinator for southeast Wisconsin. (She’s pictured below, at right, along with Samantha Lammers of the Wisconsin DNR, at a waterfowl hunter outreach day.) Molly works closely with Sea Grant AIS Outreach Specialist Tim Campbell to connect Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee and Ozaukee Read more about Meet Molly Bodde: New-yet-familiar face joins the ongoing fight against aquatic invasive species[…]
Some of the best holidays are invented (Festivus, anyone?). Lovers of all things aquatic have something to celebrate in December: 25 Days of Fishmas! And don’t worry, you don’t have to scour the mall for presents – just hop on Twitter to participate. 25 Days of Fishmas is a science communication effort spearheaded by Katie Read more about Catch the Fishmas spirit![…]
Some know Wisconsin Sea Grant Fisheries Specialist Titus Seilheimer by his active Twitter presence as “Dr. Fish” (at the handle @DrFishSG). Soon, Titus will take on yet another identity in Manitowoc on Dec. 8. It’s one well suited to the season: Santa Claus! As part of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum’s annual Christmas Tree Ship Celebration Read more about Sea Grant fisheries specialist takes on holiday alter ego[…]
Elizabeth Minor, a professor with the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Large Lakes Observatory and Department of Chemistry, described her research on the impact of sediment plumes on the St. Louis River and Lake Superior for the River Talk on Nov. 14. “It’s a pretty impactful thing,” Minor said. Excess dirt (sediment), water and nutrient runoff Read more about Sediment plumes bloom in Lake Superior[…]
Fifty years ago in 1968, the Wisconsin Sea Grant Program was funded for formation at the University of Wisconsin. We didn’t actually start providing grant money for research projects for a few years. Because that’s one of our main purposes, we’ve chosen to wait a few more years before we start any 50th anniversary hoopla. Read more about The birth of Wisconsin Sea Grant[…]