Julia Noordyk on the East River. Submitted photo.
As 2020 winds down, we asked staff members at Wisconsin Sea Grant what their favorite project was this year. Although work was a bit more challenging than usual due to our altered work circumstances, everyone managed to stay productive, and even find fulfillment.
Julia Noordyk, our water quality and coastal communities outreach specialist, said the East River Resiliency Collaborative was her favorite 2020 project. “The need to holistically address flooding and water quality in this Green Bay watershed has been talked about by stakeholders and communities for over a decade. I am thrilled that the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and Fund for Lake Michigan saw the value in this project and helped us make it a reality!” she said.
The project formed a new partnership among Wisconsin Sea Grant, the University of Wisconsin-Madison department of civil and environmental engineering, The Nature Conservancy and NEW Water (the brand of the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District).
Read more about this notable fave here.