As 2020 winds down, we asked staff members at Wisconsin Sea Grant what their favorite project was this year. Although work was a bit more challenging than usual due to our altered work circumstances, everyone managed to stay productive, and even find fulfillment.

Titus Seilheimer. Image credit: Wisconsin Sea Grant
Our fisheries specialist, Titus Seilheimer’s favorite project is Great Lakes Aquaculture Day. This annual event for the Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative was held on October 10. Seilheimer said, “We had to move the event online and had a full day of interactive sessions for new farmers, current farmers and consumers. There was a lot of planning to make it happen, but the most fun part of the day was when Elliot Nelson and I were emcees for a virtual Iron Chef-style cooking contest. Although that sounds strange, it actually worked really well.”
The recordings for Great Lakes Aquaculture Day are available online. Learn more about this Great Lakes Sea Grant Network effort on its website.
Seilheimer said the event was a team effort from Elliot Nelson and Lauren Jescovitch (Michigan Sea Grant), Emma Wiermaa (Wisconsin Sea Grant and Univ. of Wisconsin Stevens Point-Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility), Amy Schrank (Minnesota Sea Grant), and himself, with essential help from Cindy Hudson and Geneva Langeland from the Michigan Sea Grant communications team.