eDrop Tutorial


This is a small overview of our online proposal and report submission tool.

Notes from the video are below.

Login link

NOTE: if you already are in the system, from reporting on a past project or adding in a proposal for a different solicitation, you can use the same login.

The site has a 2-step verification process during the registration.

  1. an email verification code after you enter your email
  2. an automated phone call with a code.

Once you are registered and logged in, you will see the “Current Tasks” page. This is where you will see the current solicitations, any proposals in progress, and any reports that are assigned.

  • Note: there may be more than one solicitation going on at once, or they may have reports due. Make sure to select the correct one!

Once in the Proposal:

  • When uploading files, please check the file format. The system is expecting a certain file format in certain fields. It will reject any invalid format.
  • Note: You will need to fill out ALL required fields on a page before you are able to save your record. Required fields will have a red label with an asterisk behind it.
  • Please save every time you finish a page.
  • In the Submission Preview page, there is a button called “PDF this Page”, this will print the current page.
  • Verify and submit.
  • You will get an email after submission for verification.