New Podcast Series Highlights Wisconsin Water News

A new podcast series, Wisconsin Water News, highlights stories previously only available in print from Wisconsin Sea Grant and the Water Resources Institute. Series Narrator and Science Communicator Marie Zhuikov brings the stories alive by featuring in-person and phone interviews of the people behind the news.

Optimum Timing for Dredging in Great Lakes Harbors Takes a More Scientific Turn

It can’t happen just any old time. Removing sediment from or adding it to harbors to help ships pass or for construction projects is regulated by state and federal rules designed to lessen impacts to the plants and animals living in both marine and fresh water. The Wisconsin and Minnesota Sea Grant programs are working with partners to apply the best science to the timing of dredging windows for Great Lakes harbors.

Revving Up a New ROV

A remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) can be a useful teaching tool. Minnesota and Wisconsin educators and students were part of the maiden voyage of a new model for Sea Grant.

Wisconsin Sea Grant offers helpful resources for fishing season

Wisconsin’s fishing season is just around the corner, with hook-and-line fishing for many species beginning May 5.

Three resources from Wisconsin Sea Grant can enhance anglers’ fishing trips this season. Those resources help anglers have more success catching fish and an easier time identifying what they catch.

Learn about the Estuarium in the River Talk Season Finale

The River Talk series concludes for the season with a talk at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wis.). Deanna Erickson and Erika Washburn with the Lake Superior Estuarine Research Reserve will present, “The Making of the Estuarium.” Get behind-the-scenes insight into how the Reserve took an unused building on Barker’s Island and turned it into a new public science and interpretive learning center about the St. Louis River Estuary. The talk will also feature information about the Reserve’s new research vessel.

Ancient Algae and Plankton Featured in Next River Talk

The River Talk series continues at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wis.). Euan Reavie, senior research associate and Water Initiative associate director with the National Resources Research Institute, will present: “Tiny Fossils Shed Light on the Past and Future of Water Quality.”