Interstate Island Terns Featured in Next River Talk

The River Talk series continues this month on Wednesday Jan. 10, 7 p.m. at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wis.). Annie Bracey, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota and Fred Strand, former Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources biologist, will present: “Terns in the Estuary – A Species in Need.” They will focus on Interstate Island, a protected bird nesting site in the Duluth-Superior Harbor.

Attack Packs Get an Update

A popular teaching tool about aquatic invasive species, the Attack Pack, has received a recent reboot.

Knowledge, Spread Wisely

Keeping Wisconsin water quality pristine is an admirable goal and can be assisted through the use of a tool about the best times to spread manure. Sea Grant has supported work to assess the use of that tool.

Wisconsin Water Resources Science-Policy Fellowship Merges Models, Technology, and Decision-Making for Better Water Quality

Wisconsin’s first-ever full-time postgraduate Water Resources Policy Fellow is wrapping up his work to help water quality managers assess and protect water quality across the state. Alex Latzka worked side-by-side this past year with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) professionals to study and model the amount of sediment (total suspended solids) in streams. Read more to discover the helpful tools he produced.

Two Wisconsin Marinas Awarded Clean Marina Status

Southport Marina in Kenosha and Egg Harbor Marina in Door County were re-certified as clean marinas for another five years by the Wisconsin Marine Association (WMA) at its fall conference on Nov. 14 in Rothschild, Wisconsin. The awards recognize marinas and boatyards that implement numerous green practices to protect water quality, public health and fish and wildlife habitat.

Current Cleanup and Restoration Projects Featured in Next River Talk

The River Talk series continues this month on Wednesday Nov. 8, 7 p.m. at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wis.). Matt Steiger, Area of Concern coordinator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, will present: “What’s Happening on the St. Louis River? Current Cleanup and Restoration Projects.”

Just Add Water . . . New Teaching Tool Focuses on Engineering

Wisconsin Sea Grant educators have come up with a new tool for middle-school teachers and students to use. All it takes is a coat hanger, water and some thought.

The Remotely Operated Vehicle engineering pack, or ROVe pack for short, has students building underwater ROVs in teams with hangers, and figuring out how to keep them underwater with the correct neutral buoyancy. The coat hanger ROV design was first developed by Harry Bohm at the Marine Advance Technology Education Center and Wisconsin Sea Grant Education Specialist Kathy Kline used it to develop a neutral buoyance activity for outreach events.