Poetry and Photography Featured in June River Talk

The next monthly River Talk is scheduled for Wed., June 10, 5:30 p.m. at Amazing Grace Cafe (394 S. Lake Ave., Duluth, Minn.) Julie Gard, assistant professor of writing at the University of Wisconsin-Superior and photographer Ava Battocchio will present, “Pollution, Poetry and Photography: Celebrating the River’s Restoration Through Words and Images.”

What’s the Value of Sports Fishing?

Wisconsin Sea Grant researcher aims to create economic and behavioral models that quantify the value of sports fishing in the Great Lakes–and help predict anglers’ future behavior.

Be Current Smart: New Water Safety Tips for Swimmers

To encourage water safety, partners in Wisconsin and throughout the Great Lakes are hitting the beaches at the end of May with new emergency rescue equipment like ring buoys and life jackets as part of the campaign: Be Current Smart. In addition to the equipment, the campaign includes water safety tips tailored to Wisconsin and other states in the region.

Estuary Benefits Featured in May River Talk

The next monthly River Talk is scheduled for Wed., May 20, 7 p.m. at Amazing Grace Cafe (394 S. Lake Ave., Duluth, Minn.) Robert Sterner, director of the Large Lakes Observatory will present, “Researching the Invisible Ways Estuaries Benefit Us.”

Kate Ballard: From Sea Grant Scholar to NASA Statistician

Kate Ballard is a data scientist. Eight months ago, the former Weston Scholar and Sea Grant student landed a job as a statistician at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center in Virginia.