Tackling the Problem of Ghost Nets

Using money from the NOAA Marine Debris Program, UW Sea Grant partners to educate commercial and tribal fishermen about the dangers of unmoored gill nets in Lake Superior–and what do do when they become entangled in one.

Reach the Beach

Researcher Greg Kleinheinz aims to assess whether redesigning beaches has an impact on reducing contamination.

NOAA Partners Rescue NOAA Mascot

If you’ve ever seen the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Sea Grant logo, you’ve probably noticed a gull is part of it. Recently, two NOAA partners seized a chance to give a gull a helping hand.

Emma Wiermaa – Aquaculture Outreach Specialist

Emma Wiermaa is working to give aquaculture a good name — not that it has a bad name — but people sometimes have misconceptions about its fish-raising practices and food safety. Wiermaa is the new part-time outreach specialist at the Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility (NADF) in Red Cliff, Wis.