Anne Moser. Librarians in Augusta, Princeton, Stanley and Rice Lake, Wisconsin, know her as the person who showed up in a fishing hat with dangling lures for this summer’s story hours to teach young children about Great Lakes fish through books, songs, dance and crafts.

Anne Moser educated, and delighted, children over the summer with her fish-themed story hours.
Educators from around the Great Lakes region know her as the thoughtful voice on how best to integrate freshwater science and research into K-12 curriculum and classrooms and nonformal learning centers around Wisconsin.
Members of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers and those in the Wisconsin Library Association know her as someone who has taken on leadership roles in the organizations to support marine and aquatic sciences library science around the world and in specialized libraries throughout the state.
Now, we all know her as the 2022 winner of the nonformal educator of the year award from the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE). The group conferred the award during a virtual ceremony the evening of Nov. 3. The organization highlighted her significant contributions to the field of environmental education.
Moser is the senior special librarian for the Wisconsin Water Library, supported by Sea Grant and the University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute. She is also the education coordinator. About the award, she said, “I am deeply honored to be recognized by the WAEE. In my time with Sea Grant and the Water Resources Institute, I have met hundreds of formal and nonformal educators, librarians and teachers who are deserving of an award! It has been my absolute privilege to work with them and to have the opportunity to do my small part in educating the future caretakers of our watersheds.”
Colleague Titus Seilheimer, Sea Grant fisheries specialist, presented a take on yet another of Moser’s educational initiatives, “I have worked with Anne for 10 years at the UW-Madison Alumni Association Grandparents University, where she coordinates the limnology major. Anne is equally great with the logistics, children and grandparents. Anne is an inspiration and has had a major impact on Wisconsin’s environmental education.”
WAEE is a statewide nonprofit organization of environmental educators who support environmental education through advocacy, networking and recognition. The awards program is meant to acknowledge and encourage excellence in the field of environmental education.