Molly Wick. Submitted photo.
The River Talks will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wis.), with “Tell us What you Love About the River,” an in-person presentation by Molly Wick, Lake Superior Reserve Margaret A. Davidson Fellow, who will describe a study she designed to help environmental managers understand how the community benefits from local lakes, rivers and streams and how this work could help make those benefits more accessible to everyone. Wick will invite everyone to take the waterway benefit survey, found here: z.umn.edu/waterwaybenefits. A youth panel will round out the discussion with their stories about why the St. Louis River is important to them. Refreshments will be provided.
Other River Talks will be held Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 8, April 12 and May 10, 2023. The March talk will be held in conjunction with the St. Louis River Summit. For more information, visit the River Talks page.
The River Talks are sponsored by the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Wisconsin Sea Grant Program.