The River Talk series continues at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Drive, Superior, Wis.).

Jane Anklam
Jane Anklam with University of Wisconsin-Extension and Doug Soldat with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Soil Science will present, “Is this Dirt Clean?” The duo will facilitate a discussion about how we live, produce food, play and work in the soils and cities surrounding the St. Louis River Estuary. What characteristics of healthy soils can we promote? What soil qualities and contaminants should we avoid or mitigate? What are legacy contaminants and how do they exist in the soil? Come participate in discussions about this important part of the estuary ecosystem.
The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Minnesota and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs offer this series of informal evening talks about the St. Louis River Estuary. Everyone is invited and refreshments will be available.
Check the River Talks website ( for details. If you miss a talk, visit Wisconsin Sea Grant’s blog ( for a summary.