Nikky Farmakes, Superior-Douglas County Chamber of Commerce and Travel Superior
The next River Talk will take place via Zoom at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 14. “Discovering the magic of the estuary: Bringing tourists to the St. Louis River,” will feature Nikky Farmakes, director of marketing and social media for the Superior-Douglas County Chamber of Commerce and Travel Superior, and Kris Eilers, executive director of the St. Louis River Alliance. Farmakes will provide an overview of tourism and outdoor recreation in the St. Louis River Estuary followed by Eilers who will talk about the recent St. Louis River Water Trail designation.
Here is the Zoom link and info:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 931 0856 3539
Passcode: 176009
One tap mobile
+19292056099,93108563539# US (New York)
+13017158592,93108563539# US (Washington DC)
The event will last an hour and will include time for comments and questions. The talk will be recorded and posted afterward on the Reserve’s Facebook page and YouTube. A summary will also be posted on Wisconsin Sea Grant’s blog.

Kris Eilers, St. Louis River Alliance
The remaining River Talk of the season will be held on May 12. For more information, visit the River Talks page: go.wisc.edu/4uz720.
River Talks are sponsored by The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Wisconsin Sea Grant Program.