The costs associated with implementing green infrastructure include the initial project costs and annual maintenance costs, but also the savings achieved by using green infrastructure over other forms of stormwater management.
Wisconsin Sea Grant, 2020. Collection of Green Infrastructure Costs.
An internally generated spreadsheet of green infrastructure costs, including capital costs, maintenance costs and material costs for eleven green infrastructure practices, accumulated from a variety of online sources.

Spreadsheet of green infrastructure costs
ECONorthwest, 2011. Managing Stormwater in Redevelopment and Greenfield Development Projects Using Green Infrastructure Economic Factors that Influence Developers’ Decisions.
Covers stormwater management regulations and their impact on greenfield and redevelopment projects from the point of view of the developer.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2007. Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Design Strategies and Practices.
Includes 17 case studies of developments that incorporated low-impact development, reduced project costs and improved environmental performance.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2014. Getting to Green: Paying for Green Infrastructure: Financing Options and Resources for Local Decision-Makers.
Helps municipalities develop financial strategies and identify funding opportunities for green infrastructure.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015. Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations.
Uses case studies to demonstrate how green infrastructure can be integrated into public works projects and includes discussion of cost and benefits, review plans and maintenance.