Education and Workforce Development

The goal of Wisconsin Sea Grant’s education efforts is to increase Great Lakes literacy across a broad spectrum of people—from preschoolers to the public, from Ph.D. candidates to public officials. We recognize that education takes place in a wide variety of ways and settings, from classrooms to shipboard science workshops to local breweries hosting informal science talks for adults. We hope that learning about the Great Lakes is a lifelong endeavor.

For educators (and their student learners)

Wisconsin Sea Grant provides hands-on experiences and education resources to formal and informal educators to promote Great Lakes literacy. Our programs and resources are available to educators throughout Wisconsin, including pre-K through 12th grade formal educators and administrators; museum, nature center, and library staff; the homeschooling community; and anyone interested in offering Great Lakes programming.

Be sure to join our education listserv.

For students (graduate and post-graduates)

Wisconsin Sea Grant provides support for undergraduate and graduate students and post-graduate fellows, including opportunities to practice stakeholder engagement and actionable science. We also seek to connect students with the full range of Sea Great activities and Great Lakes-related employment opportunities.

Public outreach

Wisconsin Sea Grant participates in outreach in a variety of ways. Staff travel the state and participate in informal education events; our librarian provides water-related storytimes in preschool classrooms and and public libraries; staff present programming that weaves together art, science and the humanities; and staff all infuse Great Lakes education in the Wisconsin Idea. Follow our social media channels to follow our outreach activities.

Current education projects

To find current education projects, browse our 2024-26 Directory of Projects and People in our publications store.