Our laboratory is studying the molecular, biochemical, organismal and ecological impacts of emerging contaminants on environmental and human heath while understanding the toxicological connections between people and their environment.

Gavin Dehnert – Emerging Contaminant Scientist
Bio: I went to undergraduate school at the University of Miami (FL) where I received a B.S. in marine science and biology. Following my undergraduate degree, I went to University of Wisconsin-Madison where I received my Ph.D. in integrative biology with a focus on aquatic toxicology. Outside of research I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors, from hiking to triathlons.
Email: dehnert2@aqua.wisc.edu

Serena George – Ph.D. Student
Project: My PhD project will focus on the immunological effects of 2,4-D on fathead minnows. I also have some side projects on PFAS bioaccumulation and on the application of wildlife disease surveillance as a component of a One Health system. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis, writing for my faith and science blog, and rock climbing.
Bio: I am a DVM/PhD student passionate about Planetary Health and conservation medicine. I chose to enter the field of aquatic toxicology because of its intersection with ecosystem conservation and environmental justice.
Email: sgeorge5@wisc.edu

Brian Anton – Master’s Student
Project: I am investigating the effects of herbicide exposure on the reproductive health of nontarget fish species. In particular, I am identifying changes in the transcription of genes involved in androgen synthesis and metabolism in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). I hope to better explain the mechanism by which these herbicides act as endocrine disrupters and understand the ecological significance of such exposure in native Great Lakes fish species.
Bio: I am a dual DVM/MS student interested in aquatic species medicine and toxicology. My hobbies include scuba, kiteboarding and alpine skiing. I also enjoy spending time with my lizard companion, Thistle.

Emma Brennen
Bio: I am majoring in environmental studies and geography with a focus on people and the environment. I have always enjoyed spending time outside in my free time, and my favorite outdoor activities are currently hiking, birding, skiing and cycling. Here’s to a safe, fun, productive, year!

Cat Smith
Bio: I am a sophomore studying biology and Spanish at UW-Madison and I hope to go into the conservation field someday. In my free time I love to be outside; some of my favorite outdoor activities are hiking, riding my bike, swimming, and laying in my hammock by the lake. In the cold Wisconsin winters, sometimes I opt for staying in, watching Netflix and spending time with friends.

Elle Krellwitz
Bio: I am a junior at UW-Madison. I discovered my passion for wildlife after spending time in northern Wisconsin, which led me to pursue a major in wildlife ecology. After conducting a research project on the impacts of toxicants on fathead minnows, I gained a deeper interest in aquatic ecosystems and hope to focus my studies on freshwater ecology.

Katie Westerbeke
I am a sophomore majoring in biology with a certificate in environmental studies. I am interested in conservation and plan on pursuing a career in researching environmental health. In my spare time I enjoy organizing events for the Women in Science and Engineering community and exploring new places on campus.

Cole Wilson
Bio: My name is Cole (he/him) and I’m from Milwaukee. I am a senior studying wildlife ecology. My particular areas of interest are toxicology and herpetology. Outside of class I enjoy running, biking and birding in and around Madison.
Recent Publications:
Anton, B., Dehnert, G., Karasov, W. (2021). Subchronic impacts of 2,4-D herbicide Weedestroy®AM40 on
associative learning in juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Aquatic Toxicology, 237; DIO:10.1016/j.aqutox.2021.105909
Dehnert, G., Freitas, M. B., Barry, T. P., Sharma, P., & Karasov, W. (2020). Impacts of subchronic exposure to a commercial 2,4-D herbicide on developmental stages of multiple freshwater fish species. Chemosphere, 263; DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127638
Dehnert, G., Freitas, M. B., DeQuattro, Z.A., Barry, T. P., & Karasov, W. (2018). Effects of low, subchronic exposure of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and commercial 2,4-D formulations on early life stages of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37, 2550-2559; DOI: 10.1002/etc.4209.
Dehnert, G., Karasov, W., & Wolman, M. (2019). 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid containing herbicide impairs essential visually guided behaviors of larval fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 209:1-12; DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.01.015
Dehnert, G., Freitas, M. B., DeQuattro, Z.A., Barry, T. P., & Karasov, W. (2018). Response Letter: Effects of low, subchronic exposure of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and commercial 2,4-D formulations on early life stages of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 38, 1382-1385; DOI: 10.1002/etc.4426